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Ceramics Syllabus


  1.  Teacher and student assessment will be given on each project.  We will use a Rubric system that     will evaluate the following- followed directions, use of techniques, craftsmanship, effort, and creativity.

  2.  Students may miss 6 class periods in a ten week period without make up.  For the 7th or   more absence, students will need to make up time on Collaboration days or after school.  For every 60   minutes made up, I will credit them one day.   Class time without any equal time made up after the   7th absence will result in grade being lowed one letter grade. 

  3.  No extra credit will be given.

  4.  Students can take home projects, tools, glazes, clay for home work.

  5.  Final/ Midterm- Students will bring in a teacher selected completed project, not tardy, pencil/pen, paper,   write three half page reviews, and take part in a clean up.

  6.  Minus 5 points will be taken for each day the students fails to meet glaze, bisque, reference, and hand   building deadlines.

  7.  Office hours:  The room is open Wednesday morning during colaberation time, pority periods, and after   school until 3:00pm.  I can be reached at 786-8676 ex.5508 or by the Granite Bay High School web site.

  8.  You will enjoy yourself and walk out a happy customer if you work hard daily, have good attendance,   complete all assignments, meet deadlines and listen to demos.

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